Saturday, June 03, 2006

Taiwanese Reader's assessment -- Five Stars!

Think ‘Blue Highways’ on a global scale.

The Thirteenth Time Zone is real life drama that is stranger than fiction. Owen Drew is the most unlikely character to be ‘on the road’, in the sense of the classic book by Jack Kerouac. If you have enjoyed that book, you will love this.

Every decade has it's " On the Road", drop outs, cop-outs and pop-outs who go on a quest.
Set in the early 70’s the plot parallels Kerouac's. But this 'opt- out' is from one of the most ultra conservative of American institutions, a Special Operations unit in the San Diego police force.

Tracing the journey of Owen Drew, author David Jebb addresses all of the themes from the cultural revolution of the 60’s with an insight that goes beyond the canned hype of that era including racism, sexuality, gender roles, peace, love, recreational drugs, freedom, choice, institutions.

It starts out as a riveting ‘cop story’ and quickly transforms into a fast paced spiritual quest. Jebb tours us through the world's religions as the protagonist Owen Drew hitchhikes around the globe, allowing circumstance to grind the corners off his very 'square' character. Just how he becomes a well rounded human being is a fascinating and true story.

Malcolm Vargas


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